About Us

Care You Can Trust

Our Mission

At SmileVibe Dentistry, we're more than just a dental practice; we're a team dedicated to transforming the way you experience dental care. Our mission is to blend quality dentistry with a personal touch, ensuring every visit is comfortable and every treatment is transparent.

Dr. Suraj Bhogal

Get To Know

Dr. Suraj Bhogal was brought up in New Jersey and began his journey towards dentistry in high school, where he knew he had an a knack for technicality and working with his hands. After shadowing his family dentist, he knew his path in life was to pursue dentistry as a passion, where he could apply his skills to help people of the community.

Dr. Bhogal completed his undergraduate education in Drexel University and later applied his knowledge to obtain his Masters in Biomedical Sciences from Rutgers University. He earned his DMD at Tufts University School of Dental Medicine, where he was able to identify the components of quality dental care: comfort, compassion, and high standards. He was also recognized by the ICOI (International Congress of Oral Implantologists) during his final year with his involvement in Tufts Implant Club.

After graduating, Dr. Bhogal spent the following years perfecting his work and becoming an expert in his craft. By always being at the forefront of dental technology and keeping up to date with Continuing Education courses, Dr. Bhogal is able to take the guesswork out of dentistry and focus on providing predictable care. Over the years, he has developed a passion for providing patients with smile make-overs with cosmetic veneer treatment, root canal therapy, and dental implants. Dr. Bhogal loves to hear about his patients’ needs to develop a plan that can change their views on oral health and well-being forever.

During his spare time, Dr. Bhogal’s hobbies include traveling, working out, cooking, playing guitar, and spending time with family/friends. In the summer, he loves to spend time in the great outdoors that the pacific northwest has to offer.

Your First Vist Experience

What to Expect

During your first visit to SmileVibe Dentistry, expect a warm welcome and a thorough new patient exam. Dr. Bhogal and our team take the time to get to know you, your dental history, and your health goals. We'll conduct a comprehensive oral examination, including digital X-rays if necessary, to assess your dental health. You'll also have a chance to discuss any concerns or desires you have regarding your smile. Our goal is to create a personalized care plan that aligns with your needs and expectations, so you can leave feeling informed and confident about your dental journey with us.

What to Bring

For your first visit, please bring a valid ID, your insurance card (if you have dental insurance), and any previous dental records you can provide. This helps us better understand your dental history and streamline the insurance process. Also, consider bringing a list of any medications you're currently taking and a note of any questions or concerns you'd like to discuss with Dr. Bhogal.

Keeping You Comfortable

A little comfort can go a long way in elevating your dental experience. That's why we've equipped our office with amenities designed to make you feel right at home.

Beverage Station

Enjoy a refreshing cup of coffee, tea, or water before or after your appointment.


Whether you're here for a routine check-up or a longer procedure, you can catch up on your favorite shows or movies.


Check in for your appointment in seconds using our iPads.

Noise-Canceling Headphones

Block out the sounds of the office with our noise-canceling headphones.

How We Give Back

Spreading Smiles

At SmileVibe Dentistry, we're passionate about giving back to our community. Through our partnership with Seattle King County clinics, we provide essential dental services to those in need. This collaboration not only benefits patients who might not otherwise have access to dental care but also strengthens the health and wellbeing of our community as a whole.

start your smile journey

Let's Get You Scheduled

Let us know your preferred time and date for your first appointment!